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YANU - Bring a robot to serve everyday conditions

Hello everyone! I am writing to you from a beautiful country of Indonesia and today we are considering a promising project, Yanu is a new platform that manages the exchange of decentralized cryptocurrency functions, combining popular blockchain systems with technologies that prove to be the most sophisticated provider of complete reliability and security. Cryptocurrency really, shortly after entering revolutionary changes in the international market, attracts many people, who often prefer to experience benefits in practice. That is why this project is based on cryptocurrency and is now one of the most popular digital currencies and has great growth prospects, as well as investment.

Usually, Yanu Exchange offers users comfortable business opportunities, and entrepreneurs are hired to pay candidates and pay for cryptocurrency work like Wikipedia Ethereum, and have a Yanu chip system, cryptocurrency exchange and an independent platform. Centralized networking has been a problem of the past because it is very satisfied to use sustainable access to information from different devices, and does not offer guarantees, there is absolutely no guarantee of security, information and security objectives.

A decentralized system is a single market structure that includes available networks from different technical devices. This is very convenient for users and investors: passing focused space can be connected anytime and anywhere in seconds. Thanks to the decentralized nature of the system, access to buyers and low-cost deals directly accepts the ability to transactional transactions without unwanted security and process actions from company sellers. Blockchain is proven by many successful systems, which have created profitable exchanges between competitors based on Yanu's decentralized system.

Each of Yanu's leading platform competitors will have a copy of the data, which protects against all types of fraud. Tokens are transferred to participants who wish and are quick to pay for services. The business is killed anytime, and the wallet is converted directly into official money that can be used by cryptocurrency.


Here are the main advantages of this platform:

  • Convenient decentralized exchange based on blockchain technology with guaranteed copy data for each user
  • Functional, maximum turnover is simple and profitable.
  • Minimum rates are compared to other service payment methods: Minimum or no commission on the system
  • Payment is governed by a smart contract.
  • Personal wallets are reliable and synchronized with each user, where money is collected and payments made. The peer-to-peer system does not require any documents or accounts for cash transactions.

Cryptocurcie is now one of the easiest and simplest ways to make payments, as well as a cost-effective way to invest. With BlackChine technology, it has the greatest potential of the system: transactions are fast and safe anytime, anywhere. An employer can quickly find a freelance professional on the system, get better quality services and who can pay with a Token.

Who is planning the Ico team

More Information Yanu Visit Link:
Situs web:
Facebook: YanuICO


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