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Bitjob: Income Opportunities for students

Bitjob is a smart contracts that exist on the network block Ethereum. To revolutionize the way students pursue revenue while continuing to learn, Bitjob will provide a bridge to receive payment for their experiences while students felt their skills. Problems faced by students is that they lack the experience to work.

With the Bitjob, students can get direct payments for their skill of professional managers, improve their skills and enrich their dynamic resume anytime, anywhere.

Bitjob also created the first hybrid block project to allow connectivity between partners and entrepreneurs. Bitjob is a platform of distributed spring that use centralized payment method developed by the contract Smart smooth and digital distributed crypto coins.

Bitjob also launched a peer-to-peer programs that spread news from the world of marketing, talented students get as much as possible and make students partners. This will be very useful for the students in the future. ,


Bitjob is an ambitious social project based on blockchain technology. The goal is for the coup as a student acquiring and experiences during the study. Through bitjob, students can improve their skills by creating a professional manager and receive payment directly on the technology, and mechanisms to enrich their resumes anywhere, anytime.

Bitjob is a distributed spring platform used by the centralized payment (the currency of trust) and distributed encryption digital currency that has been developed by smart contract-smooth.

By consolidating online portfolio and restore jobs, Bitjob allows students to defer and turn their free time becomes fast and stable returns.

Bitjob combines the advantages of a micro concert and external test sites using blockchain technology to create the first hybrid blockchain project to allow collaboration between students and employers of the P2P. participants will gain a reputation for access to rewards based on their skill level. The higher an individual's reputation based on previous work, the greater the price you can get on the job for an hour.

Bitjob is a unique blessing for the good of the team, the supporters, and partners. We have signed some agreements with universities, labourers and workers. Each treatment is devoted to stimulating student's reputation and keep them at the highest level.
Existing problems:

  • Students often engage in activities that do not match the summary of them after graduation.
  • It is also difficult for executives to hire excellent staff.
  • It is very difficult to experience in the desired area.
  • In addition, the professional service provider seeks to find the right candidate.

Bitjob Solutions:

  • Bitjob will provide an online platform for individuals.

There will be two participants.

  • Service provider: careers
  • Consumer Services: job search and contact your service provider to work.
  • Bitjob can specialize in your own fields to help students find short-term work on the Internet.
  • And this can be a choice.
  • The service provider will build a qualified person and work experience.

How does Bitjob work?
To get more revenue out of this platform, you must first register using Bitjob. When you become a participant, you get the reputation that you provide. This will give you access to payment corresponding to the level of Your professional knowledge. First, you can only get a small hourly payment. However, if you gained a reputation through the tasks, you can get a higher rate of payment per hour.

In addition to receiving a reward you will receive an online resume full experience bitjob. Professional experience and reputation You will be registered in the system waiting for a patent. This system is called dynamic portfolio CV or biography of the House. All the participants place their CVs in their personal domain name. In addition, the labor market and a potential employer will be accepted.

For more info visit link below:
slack: https: //bitjob.herokuapp. com /
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