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Decentralized and Cryptocurrency from the world of alcoholic beverages in the world.

WTX Hub platform is a decentralized ecosystem for the production of alcoholic beverages, the pure Exchange of alcoholic drinks to promote the exchange of goods and services online without a third party. With WTX hub, consumers can make the right choice before going to the store, because applications that require them to drink alcoholic beverages, depending on user preference.

WTX hub help consumers make the right choice before going to the store: apps recommend alcoholic beverages based on user preferences previously, issues latest reviews and help them get the best options in stores also find a local. . Buyers can easily verify the authenticity of the product by taking a bottle from the counter and place the top smartphone WTX tag. In addition, users of the App Hub WTX can receive awards for writing the review and return used Packaging in Special recycling sites.

The market of alcoholic beverages is one of the world's largest international market. This is the best of the Exchange. This is a database of all alcoholic beverages in the world and enables users to select products and products that meet their needs. Should be. Preferences. WTX Hub also introduced WTXH cryptocurrency marker, which can be used in the stock market, and also use them to buy drinks from WTX hub platform.

Buyers can also confirm the accuracy of the products or products with just removing the bottle from the meter and place the phone in the above tag WTX Hub. In addition, users of WTX hubs have the opportunity to receive an award for doing a survey on drinks purchased and offers more than the package back in time. Therefore, this phase coincided with the buyer before and after purchasing the goods and then map them into the training system.

Thus, this buyers guide platforms not only before, but also after the purchase of the product, which stimulates activity in the system. The buyer can check the authenticity of products with just removing the bottle from the counter and place the top smartphone WTX hub tag. In addition, users can receive awards for writing evaluation WTX Hub refreshments purchased and submit placement for recycling package at any given time. Thus, this buyers guide platforms not only before, but also after the purchase of the product, which stimulates activity in the system.

With the R and D Hub Wtx programming, you can combine all the available data into the production, distribution, payment and advertising, or promoting alcoholic beverages market real-time into one system. Direct payments without requiring payment or billing card. WTX Hub full freedom.

The allocation of
The allocation of the funds used for purposes which include development and integration: 31%,
Administration and operation: 14%
Marketing and sales: 36%
Cross-platform support: 12%,
Air drop: Pheader program 4%,
Financial and legal expenses: 3%

Product development including full implementation of WTX Hub technology and retail technology, social and community functions, and consumer-oriented applications.
ICO is held to increase capital by using the assets of the Crip-active as an investment. After ICO finished, coins can be exchanged at the Exchange, cryptography, and the market offerings and requirements determine the price.
The road map
Q3, 2018: testing Marketing & proof of concept
12 November 2018: launch pre-sales WTX
January 7, 2019: launch sales WTX
March 18, 2019: Closing the sale WTX
Q2, 2019: the first Client on the plane
Q3 >, 2019: Expansion in the U.S., Europe and Asia
WTX Hub also launched crypto currency which can be also called ataw WTXH token that you can use in the exchange markets are lead vocals and also you can use to purchase drinks from the platfrom of WTX Hub,

More Clear Please Visit The Link Below: 


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