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Since the publication of several white papers from Satoshi Nucleo in 2008, it has been ten years since it was published. At that time, no one knew that the rules set on this page could cause real-world technological changes. The current blockchain technology is a tool that doesn't work for millions of people every day. These people can do business from various countries, invest in new projects, and so on. The Independent Development Team expanded the program and expanded opportunities. However, many of them have been prevented from applying due to lack of technology. The HetaChain team created a solution to create a new framework for this. At present, ICO research is dedicated to this project.

The problem

The Blockchain technology is a problem that makes operators from creating revolutionary projects in various sectors.
What is the problem?

  • Fast applications can be used with many users. Usually, negotiations are reduced. Therefore, consumers tend not to be loyal;

  • the risk of severe ulcers. Sometimes you have to use it. In this case, blockchain are two different categories. In this case, the entrepreneur's entry does not exceed the limit. If there are 100 to 1,000 customers, the car needs to be upgraded. So the agreement will not mean;

  • Security is usually a silent request for blockchain connections and the real world. This is the simplest place that can panic the oppressor. Using more of your company is a greater opportunity for you.

There is currently an attempt to resolve this issue. Blockchains 2.0 and 3.0 have been completed, but not all issues are yet available.

HetaChain is a new generation of Blockchain 3.0. This technology is a series of solutions that allow you to create without limitation without an agreement without limitation.


The HetaChain based application will develop without limits. They are implemented throughout the world without health problems and low speed. In this case, the size of the program is completely different. Industry, banking, e-commerce, electronics can be done, robotics and so on.

HetaChain is very different from the very beginning, using the easy-to-use interface, facilitating the creation of a program that is not focused and its effectiveness. Increasing the speed of transport through the system structure. This is a collection of files inside and outside the bar. They are linked to some algorithms that reduce the burden and quickly to the exchange of information.

HetaChain is different from the preceding algorithm. This is the basis of HetaChain technology. This is a hybrid algorithm that links the dPoS and BFT rules:

  • Exchange has been approved in 33 white colors
  • An island can create elements;
  • This conversation will be held at the end of the second second;
  • Nodes chosen by members of the electoral network;
  • Banks are given in cash in the form of symbols or coins;
  • Each participant has the right to vote
  • Roots can build stones after a short period of time;
  • Blogs have also been verified
  • To confirm blank, the linear curve is parallel;
  • Every time there is no work, the wheels will exit the system.

This hybrid algorithm can be used to increase the practice of sects. At that time, relationships with key keys will be maintained.

Bridge is used as a protocol for dialogue between key and key applications for HetaChain. During the exchange, the blocks will be considered for contract and order. There will be a commission to mark HETA for this work. It is one of the principles of health and liquidity. The more money you need to send, the money you have to pay. There is no limit to the speed and the amount of exchange.


In fact, the site has been verified by users, as is the legal blockchain. Therefore, they receive prizes as HETA. Many have been proven, the rewards are greater.

HETA is a great HETA coin in the system. You can buy it at the store.

This team
The HetaChain project is shown by the management team, all of which have their own specific functions. Each in the domain. They also have long-term relationships with significant financial assets that are definitely needed for project development.

Counseling staff has representatives from different countries. Everyone is responsible for your area. The project collects all skills in Blockchain.

Name: Hata
Version: 60,000,000,000,000
First ICO: November 11, 2018


Interesting about the HetaChain project. First, technological progress will solve the blockade problem today. Secondly, the rich and the consultants may be. Third, the link to the financial world of the Arab world. All of this is about the practical application of the program. If the project is large, financing investors will be unprecedented. The shop starts with two days!

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