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Elisia-Revolution Blockchain
In some cases, the discovery of product/services and interlocking competitiveness opens up. That doesn't compete with the rise between the bloc, it makes existing projects or new projects feel the plethora of saturated ones.

But Elisia has a boon for new projects or existing projects to transform the uncompetitive market for products, services and gearing without exception. The competition continues as Elisia wants to conquer new projects and existing projects.

What is money upright?

Elisa is a name that loses very fast transactions! They check if the transaction they are using is the same as Bliksemnivo! They found that speed is not needed or sent.
Is Elisa a decentralized application?
Yes! Elisai has a decentralized application, the application has a unique button for the launch of the security reception function. The applications found in the Elisia network offer comfort and security.   "Free, free and available, and pay the balance wicht DE FLASH "
In 2008, Satoshi Nakamoto Bicotine uses a technology called Blocks and Elisia, a handheld computer, to make this technology more attractive.


  • Speed

In fact, many operating systems today offer a certificate, but the advantage of this feature is the speed of the transaction by paying the cost of the ship! You want to act quickly, but it's free? Eliza the right!

  • Free

There is a fee for using this platform. Unlike other projects that simply acting quickly, they get income from trading functions! Elisia 100% free for a fast and thirst, no cost!

  • Dapps

You don't need an extensive knowledge of the dapps. You only have knowledge about this Dapps!

The problem we make

Any technology or expression creates a problem that can occur when a project is done. Here is the difficulty of each blokhân, there are two issues that the team has found, block-a technology that is being developed.

Interaction with other log.
From COINMARKETCAP data to more than 2000 different coins and tikenens. In these differences, problems arise because they do not interact with other Blokhân (be careful of their homeland), so they do not fanôfblokken equipment blockchain B, due to the migration of Krigearje's very good and functional very full.

Get big adoption.
Nowadays there are many platform that uses blokkchnology, such as Steemit platform, which has been going on a long time and they were also successful in their arm social media platforms, but does not offer application migration from one block to another, with a single click.

To find information about these problems in the number 1 and 2, click on the link below.
White paper


Elisia realize the risk in using a quantum computer privacy officer Elijah,
Elisia does not see the dangers of free time in the Haadketen defense. There are several ways to protect the major-chain in the chain.
But the network protocol the sidechain features as. ..

  • Evidence OfStake
  • Be careful at work
  • Dll

KYC (know your customer)

Only two forms of identification that will be used.

  • To see the vision of Elisa in all investors, he needs your photos.
  • All data must be useful and identical (name address and approval)



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