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Moozicore is a new music platform that allows users to better control the background music they listen to. The higher level control ensures that the user listen to the different channels that they enjoy. In order for users to have a greater impact on music, Moozicore in collaboration with the owners of the music companies. Although this platform was still affordable, it should be ready for 2018. At the end of the year. In the meantime, people can improve the development platform.
Moozicore is designed to provide a site like cafes, restaurants, entertainment and a variety of lõbustuskeskusi setting, make personal and social promise each client.

Mozzikore can of course make places like cafes, restaurants, educational centers and some sort of entertainment settings, create a social music session for each user.

One of the businesses of our Government is to allow us access to dynamic consumer buyers meeting to draw music, TV, Internet-based life and perfect development of their mobile phone at your leisure. Buyers use the versatile Moozicore application to select the melody, sound and large scale backups, a different audience, with web-based media sharing, and more specific advice to use dial Bar.

Music believes that artists and poets will benefit from their efforts to win a prize. For any organization that uses our Government, the approval of a US legal law firm (ASCAP, BMI, SESAC) is important.


Reliable CHD 2017. The annual report shows that more than 700 700 posts in the United States purposefully oriented after the buyer closes the main voice.

US music sales revenue, for example, the RIAA seems to be about 2017. In 2005, only two-thirds of the U.S. music industry's revenue comes from a mix of the most incredible shows. Category classification includes the income from membership fees account, radio transmitters and additional support for managing the dropouts. United States joint music contributions, paid membership, is the best growth for the music sector of 2017. Inside. The six-year period starting from the six-monthly financial support to join the increased cost more than 4 billion dollars, making the United States the longest recording recording opportunities with four of the seven are mixed.

TOKEN Sales Data

Moozicore TOKEN sales can take place.
For the period 26. November 2018 and 22. January 2019

Moozicoin gold (MZG) is a marker of ERC20 approved for use with the Moozicore service. Because of this interference, change the application Moozicore within the application users intuitive playlist MZG, make a sound close to the scene.


Package 4q 2016
The story of music

The size of the 2017 1q Stats

2Q 2017
Trademark terms

3Q 2017
M  "beginning in 2017. In the best logo
Growth groups

1Q 2018
Moozicore presale bookmarks is a seal is boring!

2Q 2018
Continued success (HTML, IOS, Android)

3Q 2018
Beta testing phase started
Location of delivery Moozicore

4Q 2018
Great business Moozicore

1Q 2019
Management that allows to perform
Moozicore delivery in the United States

Shipping Moozicore 3q 2019 in Japan

Moozicore shipping in China 1q08

Information Info site:


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