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Do your job with pine mycro-e

This time we will introduce MYCRO.
Whether MYCRO? Well, because you want to have a party at home, such as cleaning the House, or your family wants to come, but you don't have the time and do not want to correct your work, but you don't have the skills, knowledge and time. With the beautiful miniature Mycro app, you can post Your job needs and connect with community members who can quickly help you. In addition, You can connect the Mycro and job seekers to job seekers who wish to do so.

It is like a good new idea.

Mycro offers a number of tasks, including:

Family Ministry: (horticulture, cleaning, cleaning, replacement, maintenance, window cleaning, small laundry, Ironing, cooking, etc.)

Delivery service: (shopping, driving, transport services, transport, etc.)

Services: virtual (Internet research, trip planning, support services, Office, online surveys, etc.)

Experienced service: (personal guidance, photo shoots, model work, piano lessons, computer preparation, TV settings, DJ, waitress, Internet connection settings, etc.)
Mycro platform has a method to carry out the payments and transactions using tokens Mycro (Bob). How do I use the Mycro token?

  • work shopping

Use the token Mycro (Bob) to get a better location in the dashboard of a provider of jobs. With this, you can decide your own costs.
We call it a working shopping cart.

  • Prize: accepted

BUDi, community awards Collection, it ranks well after successful work and has established a community Mycro controlled by smart contracts.

  • Currency:

You can use the token Mycro (Bob) to pay for your work, reliable and secure way to use smart hosting contract (planning)

This is the plan of Mycro.

Mycro success depends largely on the availability of the intuitive. Job providers and workers ' needs to be met in a way that is quick and convenient. This is achieved by a proper job opportunities that suit the contractor accordingly. For the first time in history, both sides are able to achieve their goals. This is a good result for a provider of jobs.

 This is an interesting and beautiful work for contractors.

Why Mycro use chains to block?
The reasons are:

1. quick and easy. Mycro's intelligent algorithms allow the right job and the right contractor to match very quickly.

You can post Your job requirements and workers can see the work at any time.

2. the trust people who meet foreigners less confident.

Rating systems and validation of distributed by Microsoft through smart contract Blockchain solve this problem.

3. Security Money is held by the Custodian contract smart, which scattered when the work is done. Provider of work or employer has access rights.

Employer compensation can only be processed in escrow contracts if the job was successful.
4. low cost Mycro's vision is to change the Mycro become fully distributed applications (DAPP). The Elimination of the middleman eliminated the need for a broker to pay up to 30% of the cost. You can publish your work for free at any time. Workers using Dapp Mycro to pay only 2% of the cost.


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