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greencoin the SME platform for entering the market, focusing on the system friendly and plumbers, or licensed individuals, knowledge-sharing platform, and platform-based request for help Overcome challenges faced by leading people to this day. Platform simplifies the leadership and B2C interaction with managing the implementation of standards and standards for demand/supply ecosystem, support blockchain-based distributed escrow and Business Intelligence.

Greencoin Platform
The world and the Earth which are struggling with the changes more and more each year. Unfortunately, in most cases it is the negative changes. The impact of our products on the environment is for everyone. Humanity has evolved and made some new mechanism for making life easier. But the results did not come immediately. Scientists now believe that global warming is the biggest problem. Unfortunately, this is one of the important factors that negatively affect global warming. Don't forget deficit consumption. One of the seven people in the world are hungry, and that is a big problem today around the world. In addition to the suffering of millions of people without food, hunger prevent progress in health and education. But fuel use is an important issue for humanity. Sad, but we are addicted. But we have the time to help themselves, as well as nature. People are starting to think more about mother earth each day. And it brought hope.

The project Greencoin is a platform developed by fans who are not related to environmental issues. This is the first distributed platform based on sustainable environmental systems that can deal with the real issues that connect local installer, installer or local customers directly approved by the system.

The main objective of this project is to create an autonomous and dispersion of industrial production environment using distributed Blocchain technology to help overcome major challenges facing humanity today. This will ensure that the use of energy sources which are not exhausted and that the most important thing is to do no harm to the environment.

CNG ecosystem of buyers will first global marketplace to buy distributed systems or organic products directly from the manufacturer, using low prices and invisibility.

What is the principle of greencoin ecosystem?

The core of this white paper is very simple and clear.

Author published the system/product to the Internet/application.

Consumers buy items or systems on behalf of (Fiat, BTC, GNC or ETH).

The manufacturer provides the customer with the product.

The manufacturer provides technical support to users.

The buyer can hire a local handyman.

Use GNC symbol as a means to promote loyalty program.

Greencoin is a decentralized market where small and medium enterprises can access as a platform for exchanging knowledge for knowledge sharing. This simplifies the B2C and B2C audience interaction through the application of standards and standards for business management with supply/demand management, decentralized escrow-based blockchain support, and contract.

This platform is very convenient for the buyer and has the advantage of its own. The ability to call the best-quality products, systems, online purchases, of appropriate installer, continuous updates and system technology, and the provision of technical support at any time.

Of course, the manufacturer has several advantages:

Guarantee the full price controls.

Easy interface built on one principle.

Marketing the program to the buyer directly.

Reduce Your advertising costs.

Convenient and fast feedback and payment methods.

Sales tag

Greencoin symbol (GNC) is the main component of the ecosystem Greencoin. The aim is to facilitate all types of work performed on the platform.

GNC symbol symbols

Tip: ERC20 ether Blockchain network

Number of issued chip: 50 000 000

Call Receptionist-ETH, BTC

The price of the pre-ICO: 1 ETH = 500 GNC

Minimum investment-0.1 ETH

Bowel pattern volume: 60 000 ETH

Soft cover: 10 000 ETH

Bonus EX Bonus-15%. Also, 5% join the white list.

For more information about Greencoin, you can send a message to


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