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Sabiglobal ICO

Sabiglobal ICO


We offer a universal system of identification and approval. This is universal and can be used in a variety of fields. It is independent and can operate locally. This system uses a technology that is based on a person's unique electromagnetic track and analyze them nervous and cardiovascular system and cellular structure using low intensity SHF and EHF, signals without contact science people. This technology is called Sabi (Adaptive biometric identification system).

About Sabi

Sabi technology requires continuous access to a secure system. When a user enters the area of the module, Sabi began the process of verification and authentication, secure system that allows it to authenticate the user, and the user who left the site shows that the system must complete a permission. In time, the module shall authenticate the user and sends the signal control system which is protected by a change in the condition of the user.

Sabi's technology is the Foundation for a system that consists of several products designed to perform different security information, identification and authentication tasks:
  • Sabi Auth authentication module which enables the use of secure logon procedures for various systems and devices, will be a smartphone, computer, House, car and more.
  • Distributed authentication based on the network technology of Sabi blockchain, which provides a reliable and secure authentication of users registered in the rest of the world on the network. It is a global database to check for most services and can be universal ID if you need to verify your identity.


In the future, project Sabi can replace all the documents and identification signs and will form the basis for free trade based on intelligent use of Sabi contract approval.

ICO Details

General Information

Indicative: Sabi

Platform: Ethereum

Standard: ERC223

Amount: 1.4 billion Sabi

Price: 1 Sabi = 0.02 USD

Payment: ETH, BTC

Softcap: 4 million USD

Rough stamp: 18 million USD

KYC: No.


Amount: $10 million

Start: 12.12.2018

Billing: 03.11.2019


Amount: 5 million USD

Start on 12-03/2019

End by: 11/05/2019

Fire distribution

77% of Sales

15% Price Team

5% Bounty (airdrop)

1% Consultant

1% develops

Distribution of Member States

33% technology development and MVP

Production of 26% MVP

20% Marketing

9% of the first project team

6% other costs

4% administrative costs

2% legal costs

Road maps

2017 Q1-2018 Q2

• Ideas • research and development • training • strategic market research • development team • build brand

2018 Q3-Q4

• Start of development work • Sabi patent technology (level 1) registration Sabiglobal company operates under the jurisdiction of Malta

2018-2019 Q4 Q1

• Create a personal token Sabi • sales, sales, sales of the public created a model of Sabi work • add a list of symbols of the Sabi

2019 Q1

Procurement tools • special team recruitment • patents (level 2) selling audience

2019 Q1-Q3

• Development, patentation and licensing product series memory Sabi. • Development platform blockchain Sabi-net. • PR Firms

2019 3. The fourth quarter. The quarter

• Series production serial Sabi. • Start the distribution storage Sabi. • Service and maintenance

2020 Q1-Q4

Technological development • development and placing on the market of a new product service and maintenance • development • Sigit Blockchain network Platform mobile application development


NATALIA Leanca: co-founder, CEO

Sergei Solovev: co-founder, COO

Sabukhi Sharifov: co-founder, CTO

VLADIMIR Tcygankov: Cro

Nikolay Ignatic: software engineer Teamlead

ILIA Sdobnov: GMO

ILIA Gorlachev: CFO

SVETLANA Davidova: Design

Alexey Ivakhin: Developer Fullstack

MS ANNA Shakhnazarova: the head of the community

Grigory Skazochkin: frontend/onions

Tatyana Golubovskaya: Marketing Manager


[26 Nov 2018-28 Feb 2019]

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