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Synapsecoin is a system of global ecosystem that creates a crowdfunding transparent to unify the community synapsecoin, investors, entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs and build relationships that benefit from the section. Synapsecoin system allows the financing of innovative projects that connect investors. This system allows for the financing of innovative projects that link them to the interested investors to contribute to society because they benefit. Synapsecoin is also supported by a multifunctional home called Cryptowasi. A system based on disruptive technologies developed with the layout that is compatible with the world of trading. Use the best practices of the best placed in a foreign Cryptoworld.

Description brand (Sypcoin)

Synapsecoin relies on ERC20 (smart contract) the contract Smart Ethereum. These are the main features that our users can provide the level of security and privacy. SYP exchange rate was only accepted as a form of investment and conversion rates with other cryptocurrencies pass through the eyes of the ethereum (ether).

Technical data Synapsecoin

Name Token: Synapsecoin
Symbol: SYP
The standard decimal ERC20:18
The token type: symbol of the utility
Using token: P coins on the platform.
Total offers: 990 million SYP
Allocate funds: 495 million (Total sales SYP 50%).
Distribution of chip: 495 million
Sales period: January 1, 2018 UTC 31. May 2019 UTC
Number of sales token availability: 495 million SYP.
Softcap: If the project does not collect $3 million, will now restart the program.
Hardcap: 26 million USD
Coins which receive: Ethereum, BITCOIN, Litecoin.
Portfolio compatibility: Myetherwallet and Metamask.

Token 495 million divided into 3 phases:

Distribution Token


BOUNTY Campaign

Rewards campaigns or gift campaigns are another way to expand projects for the benefit of Sypcoin campaign users and share the content of the project on their social networks. Synapsecoin operates in combination with three companies running Bounty campaigns around the world and have a large community of people all over the world dealing with crypto-toxin. If you participate in the Bounty campaign and want to earn free Sypcoin, you must open it
The link below:


Synapsecoin managing technology teams, finance and cryptocurrency of events that aims to inform the world about the benefits of blockchain technologies, their application in the world and its use in daily life of the community. We will also do this by using the community and others with a high level of support in the social networking and crypto recognized currency tools to implement events that provide public support and the desired response.

For more information, please follow these instructions:
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